This is very important trick because it will secure your blog template and post.So always make backup of your blog.Making a backup of your blog is what every blogger should practice.Since Google Reader has been shut down, rumors have been spread that Blogger MAY shut down too.So being sorry in the near future would not help you but the backup you make now would surely do.No one knows when his blog would be hacked by hackers or a malware breaks down all the coding of the template. Sometimes while editing a template we may delete/add some codes which may make the blog's template not as you desire. This makes making a backup for your blog really important.A Blogger should make a backup of his template once and keep it at a safe place where you can find it easily.We recommend to make posts backup once in every week.It may look tedious to you but your small effort can save your blog one day.Here are the steps to make Template and Posts backup.Here is the steps:

  1. Go to blog title.Click on template.
  2. Now click on the backup/restore button at top right side.
  3. A popup box will appear now click on save full template.
  4. Now your template will start downloading.

Save it anywhere you want.You should always make a template backup before editing the template.

Post Backup:

Now you have to make your blog post backup.Follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to blog title.And click on settings.
  2. Now click on other and then click on blog tools.
  3. Now click on export blog option.
  4. Again a popup box will appear.
  5. Now click on download blog option.
  6. Your post will be downloaded.
  7. Now can can also upload it on wordpress and anywhere you want.
  8. Now save file and you are done.
  9. Please make your post backup once in a week or 2 weeks.
So your blog post and template is now secure and save.

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