Online marketing grow up day by day in the top developmental counties. Like foreign counties, Pakistan is not left behind in the field of technology and blogging world. A youngest teenager can able to make more than 100 dollar with internet in Pakistan. However there are some issues for all those bloggers how are earning online and belonging to Pakistan.  Pakistan is a single country where there is no strong online payment mechanism or withdraw services. You might know PayPal is one of the finest and real payment processor service used by all over the world but due to certain conditions, unfortunately PayPal could not be easily provided for Pakistani People. And this is one of the biggest problem for all over Pakistani Bloggers and Web designer to how get their money from different online marketing sources.

Couple of days i am receiving emails from Internet earners, most of them were special from Pakistan. They ask about how to withdraw money from PayPal in Pakistan. So if you are also curious to know, what is the basic method to get fully verified PayPal account and get online payment through Paypal in Pakistan, then you are at the right place. This step by step tutorial will guide you, how to get your PayPal money in Pakistan by using Payoneer payment service.

About PayPal ? What is It ? 

In the above para i have discussed little bit but let me tell more about PayPal. It is an online payment processor which are used for receiving or transferring the money online all over the globe. PayPal is recommended by most of advertisers and publisher and they are so happy with their service. Thats why PayPal is now the largest and international payment processor on the web.

How To Get Verified PayPal Account In Pakistan ?

To get money from PayPal you must have fully verified PayPal account otherwise it won't work. Remember an unverified PayPal account does not provide the withdraw option. Means you will not be able to withdraw your money. So before going something in vain,  you should must know how to verify your PayPal account in unsupported countries. 

To get the fully verified PayPal account in Pakistan you will have to join another US base payment processor named, "Payoneer" without Payoneer it is difficult to verify your account. So in this guide we will show step by step how to verify your PayPal account via Payoneer in 6 steps.

Below are some useful 6 steps which you will have to follow to get verified PayPal account. Follow these steps hope this will surely work for you, if you did not understand at any point then you can feel free to ask.

* First of all apply for PayPal account ( we will verify it later in step 5 )

* Second thing you will need apply for Payoneer account along with Debit Card:

* Get fully Approved Payoneer Debit Card:

* Apply for United State Payment Processor ( US Bank ) 

* Verify You PayPal account:

*  Now Easy To Make Your First Withdraw.


The process begins from here. First you will need to apply for Paypal account. Make sure you must select the USA for the country option. Insert all fake USA addresses like, country USA, address Newyork city Washington DC and your fake mobile number. You can get all the fake information by Google map. Now you have successfully unverified PayPal account which is out of work yet.

To withdraw your money from PayPal it should must be verified completely. For verification, we will create a payoneer account.

Step 2:  Apply For Payoneer Account: Along With Debit Card

Payoneer is another payment processor or online withdraw money service used all over the world. It is not like PayPal which is unsupported by many countries. Payoneer still works in every corner of the world.

Apply for Payoneer account: and get debit card by showing your Identity:

In the beginning when you apply  for Payoneer account they will ask to prove your identity. They will email you, to prove your identity by uploading your scan ID Card (Identity Card) and reply that ID Card back with email. within few days they will review your ID Card and you will get reply from them, Now you have been successfully verified your Payoneer account.

Step 3: Get The Payoneer Debit Card

After getting verification your Payoneer account. They will send you a debit card to you within 30-40 days. Make sure, you must have to get the Payoneer debit card, otherwise you won't verify your PayPal account. It is obviously important to have Payoneer debit card to get fully verified PayPal account. Because in future we will need to add the Payoneer debit card details for PayPal verification.

Step 4: Apply For USA Payment Service (First Century Bank)

Here, you must be worried about how can we get the USA Payment service. Don't worry, Every Payoneer Debit Card holder automatically eligible for US payment service ( online bank) by giving all the right information which have founded on your debit card. These all information will be given once they emailed you, are you interested to join the US Payment Service (First Century Bank in USA). In other words we can say, the debit card holder will have allocated account in USA payment service ( first century bank) via payoneer itself, when you give all the correct information of your debit card. You will just need to give all the right information by filling the form. 

Step 5:  Verify Your PayPal Account Now

We have been created PayPal account but that was not verified yet (In Step 1). So if you don't have a  PayPal account, first create that, and then will go to verify it completely by giving the US payment service (First Century Bank) detail.

Open your PayPal account and then click on verify. You will be asked for giving the information about you and the US payment service (first century bank). Now simply verify the PayPal account by entering all the right information of your Payoneer Debit Card Bank Account:

Payoneer Debit Card will be now your US Bank Account.

Step 6: Withdraw Your Money From Paypal In Pakistan

Congratulation.Now you could easily make your withdraw from your PayPal account in Pakistan. To do so you will further need to follow the below 2 steps. You can't make withdraw directly from PayPal account, there must be source like ATM, Bank Account etc.

Now you have money in your PayPal Account.
Transfer your PayPal money (funds) to your Payoneer Account.
Payoneer account have already provided a debit card to you. Now once you transferred your money from PayPal to payoneer then you can withdraw this funds with payoneer debit cards via ATM. 
Insert your Payoneer Debit Card to the ATM any of these banks. Payoneer supported  MCB, Standered Charted bank and City Bank etc. Hope you will be able to make your first withdraw in your own country.

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